Vodafone Launches New Mobile Network VOXI

Voxi Featured Image


Vodafone today launched VOXI, a sub-brand of the main network which will offer SIM-only plans to people aged 25 and under. All will include ‘endless social data’ for the following applications: Facebook, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Messenger and Viber. Your remaining data can then be used however you wish including checking your email, watching YouTube videos and streaming music on Spotify for example.

There will be 3 SIM-only plans available for purchase, which include: £10 for 2GB, £15 for 5GB or £20 for 15GB. Each plan is for 30 days, so it’s a rolling contract meaning you’re not tied in for 12/24 months, and you can cancel any time you wish.

Vodafone will notify users when they reach 80% and 100% of their data allowance. If, however, you do manage to burn through your allowance, you can purchase more at a price of £3 for 1GB, as well as an extra add-on of 100 international minutes for £3.

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On top of the endless social data, and additional data each plan comes bundled with unlimited texts and calls as well as no extra charge when roaming within Europe (which includes over 50 destinations with Vodafone).

In the future VOXI will also be offering “passes” which will give you access to other services for free. According to the site these will include a music pass to allow endless streaming on music apps such as Apple Music, and a video pass to allow endless streaming on video apps such as Netflix.

Interestingly the marketing campaign will be run together with a variety of young UK talents including designers, upcoming musicians and filmmakers. VOXI also has its own distinctive branding which helps to separate it from its parent Vodafone.

VOXI officially launches on September 8th, but you can go ahead, sign-up and pre-order your SIM card right away on their website.

Sign Up to VOXI now


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